
In 1981 I established kingdom Chromista, distinguished from Plantae because of its more complex chloroplast-associated membrane topology and rigid tubular multipartite ciliary hairs. Plantae originated by converting a cyanobacterium to chloroplasts with Toc/Tic translocons; most evolved cell walls early, thereby losing phagotrophy. Chromists originated by enslaving a phagocytosed red alga, surrounding plastids by two extra membranes, placing them within the endomembrane system, necessitating novel protein import machineries. Early chromists retained phagotrophy, remaining naked and repeatedly reverted to heterotrophy by losing chloroplasts. Therefore, Chromista include secondary phagoheterotrophs (notably ciliates, many dinoflagellates, Opalozoa, Rhizaria, heliozoans) or walled osmotrophs (Pseudofungi, Labyrinthulea), formerly considered protozoa or fungi respectively, plus endoparasites (e.g. Sporozoa) and all chromophyte algae (other dinoflagellates, chromeroids, ochrophytes, haptophytes, cryptophytes). I discuss their origin, evolutionary diversification, and reasons for making chromists one kingdom despite highly divergent cytoskeletons and trophic modes, including improved explanations for periplastid/chloroplast protein targeting, derlin evolution, and ciliary/cytoskeletal diversification. I conjecture that transit-peptide-receptor-mediated ‘endocytosis’ from periplastid membranes generates periplastid vesicles that fuse with the arguably derlin-translocon-containing periplastid reticulum (putative red algal trans-Golgi network homologue; present in all chromophytes except dinoflagellates). I explain chromist origin from ancestral corticates and neokaryotes, reappraising tertiary symbiogenesis; a chromist cytoskeletal synapomorphy, a bypassing microtubule band dextral to both centrioles, favoured multiple axopodial origins. I revise chromist higher classification by transferring rhizarian subphylum Endomyxa from Cercozoa to Retaria; establishing retarian subphylum Ectoreta for Foraminifera plus Radiozoa, apicomonad subclasses, new dinozoan classes Myzodinea (grouping Colpovora gen. n., Psammosa), Endodinea, Sulcodinea, and subclass Karlodinia; and ranking heterokont Gyrista as phylum not superphylum.


  • V epiplastid membraneThe fact that Chromera and Vitrella chloroplasts are separated from the cytosol by four membranes as in Sporozoa proves that ancestral Myzozoa had plastids with four membranes and dinoflagellates secondarily lost the periplastid membrane (PPM), as a later section explains. 135-protein trees (Burki et al 2008) showed that alveolates are more closely related to the chromist infrakingdom Heterokonta than to either haptophytes or cryptophytes, the two other chromist algal groups, as some ribosomal DNA (rDNA) trees had earlier less convincingly indicated

  • In 1981 I established kingdom Chromista, distinguished from Plantae because of its more complex chloroplast-associated membrane topology and rigid tubular multipartite ciliary hairs

  • The fact that Chromera and Vitrella chloroplasts are separated from the cytosol by four membranes as in Sporozoa proves that ancestral Myzozoa had plastids with four membranes and dinoflagellates secondarily lost the periplastid membrane (PPM), as a later section explains. 135-protein trees (Burki et al 2008) showed that alveolates are more closely related to the chromist infrakingdom Heterokonta than to either haptophytes or cryptophytes, the two other chromist algal groups, as some ribosomal DNA (rDNA) trees had earlier less convincingly indicated

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V epiplastid membrane

The fact that Chromera and Vitrella chloroplasts are separated from the cytosol by four membranes as in Sporozoa proves that ancestral Myzozoa had plastids with four membranes and dinoflagellates secondarily lost the PPM, as a later section explains. 135-protein trees (Burki et al 2008) showed that alveolates are more closely related to the chromist infrakingdom Heterokonta than to either haptophytes or cryptophytes, the two other chromist algal groups, as some rDNA trees had earlier less convincingly indicated. N. Diagnosis: heterotrophic biciliate predators with small but distinct curved pointed rostrum with numerous evenly spaced subpellicular microtubules attached beneath strongly flattened cortical alveoli; pseudoconoid wall mts absent; bypassing microtubular band with spiral I-fibre-like extension with two attached microtubules at its tip curves round microneme and rhoptry tips and 5-microtubule anterior centriolar root as a ‘paraconoid’ proximal to preparaconoidal ring; divide into four or eight daughters within cysts; shallow ventral longitudinal groove. As I predicted when first discussing chloroplast protein-targeting evolution (Cavalier-Smith 1982), all four chromist lineages with chloroplasts of red algal origin share the same trans-PPM protein-targeting machinery with a single evolutionary origin: their nuclear-coded plastid proteins all have bipartite N-terminal topogenic sequences that are removed by specific peptidases during their two-stage translocation; even the non-photosynthetic malaria parasites (Plasmodium) retain ~400 such proteins. I think the vesicles between the nucleus and starch grains in Gibbs’ (1962) Figure 7 of the cryptophyte Rhodomonas lens are probably a typical sheet-like organised PR; the weakly stained vesicles/tubules near the NM of Myzozoa euchromists

TPL peptidase plastid
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