
Using a generalized version of Langer's "imaginary part of the free energy" method the quantum decay rate Γ = A exp (−B) of a metastable ohmic oscillator — with harmonic frequency ω0 and quantum friction coefficient α — is studied for an almost symmetric barrier and a "free" exit space, involving an "inflection scattering" center. The unstable anomalous fluctuation mode (of the "breathing bounce" configuration in the partition function) is analytically continued in a fully "dynamical" manner. At zero friction and zero temperature the result for Γ agrees with the escape rate found from the pertinent Schrodinger equation by means of an extended WKB "outgoing waves" analysis. At slightly elevated temperatures — removing the earlier restrictions 12B exp (− ħω0/2k B T) → 0 and 2πk B T/ħω0 → 0 arising from the "two-state" and "sudden-flip" approximations — in the weak quantum damping regime (α ≲ 1) the decay rate shows a characteristic transition from quantal to thermal dependence on the bias energy ε. In the strong quantum damping regime (α ≳ 1) this dependence is always thermal while — in that case — at zero bias the oscillator becomes "dissipatively frozen" at zero temperature.

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