
The south-west coast of Curaçao is lined by a rich fringing coral reef, which rests on top of a submarine plateau. The coral, gorgonian, and algal zonation in a 5 m broad transect at right angles to the coast at Klein Piscadera was analyzed using the phytosociological method of Braun-Blanquet. Seven zones were distinguished by means of cluster analysis and by physiognomy. As in all coral reefs, the fleshy and filamentous algae are unobtrusive, though rich in species (54 species/25 m2 on average). This unobtrusiveness is due to grazing by herbivorous fishes and echinoids. The highest combined coverage and diversity of fleshy and filamentous alagae, and of crustose (mainly Porolithon pachydermum) occur in the shallow Acropora palmata-Porolithon-Millepora reef (1–3.5 m deep), the lowest combined coverage and diversity in the rich coral community of Montastrea annularis and M. cavernosa (5.25-13 m deep).

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