
The kinetics of the oxidation of malachite green (MG+) by Fe(III) were investigated spectrophotometrically by monitoring the absorbance change at 618 nm in aqueous and micellar media at a temperature range 20–40 °C; I = 0.10 mol dm−3 for [H+] range (2.50–15.00) × 10−4 mol dm−3. The rate of reaction increases with increasing [H+]. The reaction was carried out under pseudo-first-order conditions by taking the [Fe(III)] (>10-fold) the [MG+]. A mechanism of the reaction between malachite green and Fe(III) is proposed, and the rate equation derived from the mechanism was consistent with the experimental rate law as follows: Rate = (k 4 + K 1 k 5[H+]) [MG+][Fe(III)]. The effect of surfactants, such as cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB, a cationic surfactant) and sodium dodecylsulfate (SDS, an anionic surfactant), on the reaction rate has been studied. CTAB has no effect on the rate of reaction while SDS inhibits it. Also, the effect of ligands on the reaction rate has been investigated. It is proposed that electron transfer proceeds through an outer-sphere mechanism. The enthalpy and the entropy of the activation were calculated using the transition state theory equation.

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