
Rayleigh-Taylor (RT) instabilities are prevalent in many physical regimes ranging from astrophysical to laboratory plasmas and have primarily been studied using fluid models, the majority of which have been ideal fluid models. This work presents a five-dimensional (two spatial dimensions, three velocity space dimensions) simulation using the continuum-kinetic model to study the effect of the collisional mean free path and transport on the instability growth. The continuum-kinetic model provides noise-free access to the full particle distribution function permitting a detailed investigation of the role of kinetic physics in hydrodynamic phenomena such as the RT instability. For long mean free path, there is no RT instability growth, but as collisionality increases, particles relax towards the Maxwellian velocity distribution, and the kinetic simulations reproduce the fluid simulation results. An important and novel contribution of this work is in the intermediate collisional cases that are not accessible with traditional fluid models and require kinetic modeling. Simulations of intermediate collisional cases show that the RT instability evolution is significantly altered compared to the highly collisional fluidlike cases. Specifically, the growth rate of the intermediate collisionality RT instability is lower than the high collisionality case while also producing a significantly more diffused interface. The higher moments of the distribution function play a more significant role relative to inertial terms for intermediate collisionality during the evolution of the RT instability interface. Particle energy flux is calculated from moments of the distribution and shows that transport is significantly altered in the intermediate collisional case and deviates much more so from the high collisionality limit of the fluid regime.

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