
A diagnostic kinetic energy study of a cyclonic storm in the Arabian Sea of the southwest monsoon in June 1979 is presented in this paper. The surface and upper air dropsonde data especially taken during Monsoon Experiment in 1979 (MONEX-79) have been used for the computations. Some of the important results emerged from the study are following :
 (i) The kinetic energy was maximum between 900 and 700 mb in all the period under study.
 (ii) Internal as well us the external energy source was equally responsible for the generation of
 kinetic energy of the system,
 (iii) The horizontal boundary fluxes of energy is smaller but appreciable in magnitude when compared with the generation of kinetic energy from the potential energy due to cross isobaric flow in the lower level.
 (iv) The values of different terms in kinetic energy equation are larger in case of the smaller volume when compared with the values of larger volume.

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