
Long-range interacting systems unavoidably relax through Poisson shot noise fluctuations generated by their finite number of particles, N. When driven by two-body correlations, i.e., 1/N effects, this long-term evolution is described by the inhomogeneous 1/N Balescu-Lenard equation. Yet, in one-dimensional systems with a monotonic frequency profile and only subject to 1:1 resonances, this kinetic equationexactly vanishes: this is a first-order full kinetic blocking. These systems' long-term evolution is then driven by three-body correlations, i.e., 1/N^{2} effects. In the limit of dynamically hot systems, this is described by the inhomogeneous 1/N^{2} Landau equation. We numerically investigate the long-term evolution of systems for which this second kinetic equationalso exactly vanishes: this a second-order bare kinetic blocking. We demonstrate that these systems relax through the "leaking" contributions of dressed three-body interactions that are neglected in the inhomogeneous 1/N^{2} Landau equation. Finally, we argue that these never-vanishing contributions prevent four-body correlations, i.e., 1/N^{3} effects, from ever being the main driver of relaxation.

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