
[Purpose] To measure the effects of medial thigh tactile pressure stimulation on a case of obturator nerve injury. [Participant and Methods] The patient was a 65-year-old man with an obturator nerve injury after prostatectomy who was referred to us 3 months after onset. His left adductor magnus was atrophied. He complained of gait instability, but this symptom improved when he pressed the medial thigh with his hand. To confirm this phenomenon, the left hip adductor muscle strength and the Timed Up & Go Test were measured and compared under three conditions: no stimulation, Kinesio® taping of the medial thigh (KT), and a thigh pressure orthotic device (POD). [Results] In both measurements, KT and POD showed immediate improvement in measured values compared to the no stimulus condition. [Conclusion] KT and POD applied to the medial thigh were shown to have compensated for motor function in a case of obturator nerve injury.

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