
Proper mitotic chromosome segregation requires dynamic interactions between spindle microtubules and kinetochores. Here we demonstrate that two related fission yeast kinesins, klp5(+) and klp6(+), are required for normal chromosome segregation in mitosis. Null mutants frequently lack a normal metaphase chromosome alignment. Chromosome pairs move back and forth along the spindle for an extended period prior to sister chromatid separation, a phenotype reminiscent of the loss of CENP-E in metazoans. Ultimately, sister chromatids segregate, regardless of chromosome position along the spindle, and viable daughter cells are usually produced. The initiation of anaphase B is sometimes delayed, but the rate of spindle elongation is similar to wildtype. Despite a delay, anaphase B often begins before anaphase A is completed. The klp5Delta and klp6Delta null mutants are synthetically lethal with a deletion of the spindle assembly checkpoint gene, bub1(+), several mutants in components of the anaphase promoting complex, and a cold sensitive allele of the kinetochore and microtubule-binding protein, Dis1p. Klp5p-GFP and Klp6p-GFP localize to kinetochores from prophase to the onset of anaphase A, but relocalize to the spindle midzone during anaphase B. These data indicate that Klp5p and Klp6p are kinetochore kinesins required for normal chromosome movement in prometaphase.

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