
Mutual fund is such an alternative which offers convenience for investors who want to invest with limitedfunds, especially small investors who do.not have much time in understanding investment performance and have nocapability to calculate the risk of the investment they have. This research was aimedat determining the performance of syariah mutual fund on the Indonesia stock exchange. The type oflhis research was a descriptive-quantitative approach. The population of this research was sharia equity mutual funds on the Indonesia Stock Exchange within January 2014-2018. To get the sample of the research, purposive samplingwas applied. There were 24 sharia equity funds as samples used. The data analysis method used was a quantitative method. The results of the study using the Sharpe method for all syariah equity funds have negative performance, the Treynor method has 6 sharia equity funds that have positive performance, namely Lautandhana Syariah Mutual Funds, Mandiri Investa Syariah Berimbangh, AAA Amanah Syariah Fund, CIMB-Principal Islamic Sharia Equity Growth, Batavia Sharia Stock Funds, Cipta Syariah Balance and Jensen, there are only 3 Syariah equity mutual funds that have positive performance, namely Schroder Syariah Balanced Fund, Sharia Pacific Balance and Cipta Syariah Balance.

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