
Land and building tax as one of the components that supports the balance fund, which has an influence on the amount of the balance of funds that will be received by the tax producing regions. Therefore, the UN needs serious attention from local governments. More precisely in terms of handling, so that later they will be able to make a large contribution to Regional Original Income (PAD). The formulation of the problem of this research is how the performance of village officials in Land and Building Tax (PBB) services in Gantimulyo Village, Pekalongan District, East Lampung Regency. The research objective was to determine the performance of village officials in Land and Building Tax (PBB) services in Gantimulyo Village, Pekalongan District, East Lampung Regency. This research used data collection methods by observation, interviews and documentation study. The main informants in this study were the village head, village secretary, head of planning and development, tax collection officers, and taxpayers. The data analysis used is data reduction analysis, data presentation and conclusions. Based on research and data analysis, it can be concluded that (1) The responsiveness of the village apparatus has gone well, namely by conducting socialization to residents to provide knowledge about land and building taxes. . (2) Responsibility in managing land and building tax funds is the Village Head, Village Treasurer/ Head of Finance, then Pak RT. (3) Accountability carried out by the village apparatus, namely by collecting land and building taxes from the residents then the funds are sent to the central government, from the center down to the villages in the form of direct assistance.Keywords: Land and Building Tax (PBB) Service, Village Apparatus Performance


  • Sebagai organisasi yang baik memberikan pelayanan kepada masyarakat, maka substansi pelayanan publik, selalu dikaitkan dengan suatu kegiatan yang dilakukan oleh seseorang atau kelompok orang dalam suatu instansi tertentu untuk memberikan bantuan dan kemudian kepada masyarakat dalam rangka mencapai tujuan tertentu

  • which has an influence on the amount of the balance of funds that will be received by the tax producing regions

  • able to make a large contribution to Regional Original Income

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Pekalongan luas wilayah 433,56 Ha dengan batas-batas d. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian di atas, ketanggapan atau responsiveness yang telah dilakukan oleh aparatur desa dalah melakukan sosialisasi tentang peraturan pembayaran pajak bumi dan bangunan sesaui dengan peraturan yang berlaku. Awal mula pemberlakuan ini adalah kajian pada Pasal 79 Undang-Undang Nomor 28 Tahun 2009 yang mengamanatkan NJOP sebagai Dasar Pengenaan Pajak Bumi dan Bangunan Pedesaan dan Perkotaan yang besarannya ditetapkan oleh Kepala Daerah setiap 3 tahunsekali. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian di atas, accountability tentang dana pajak selama ini warga belum mengetahui pembangunan apa yang telah dilakukan oleh para aparatur desa dalam mengelola dana pajak bumi dan bangunan tersebut. Dana pajak yang telah dipungut oleh aparatur dari warga dikirim ke pemerintah pusat baru kemudian pusat memberikan bantuan secara langsung dalam bentuk bantuan langsung dengan kata lain aparatur hanya menyetor ke pemerintah daerah dan 100% lunas dari desa nanti akan mempengaruhi pendapatan pemerintah kabupaten atau pemerintah pusat lalu kedesa-desa.

Peningkatan keahlian Sumber Daya
Responsibility dalam pengelolaan dana pajak bumi dan bangunan adalah
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