
Abstract A planet embedded in a protoplanetary disk produces a gap by disk–planet interaction. It also generates velocity perturbation of gas, which can also be observed as deviations from the Keplerian rotation in the channel map of molecular line emission, called kinematic planetary features. These observed signatures provide clues to determine the mass of the planet. We investigated the features induced by a planet with an inclined orbit through three-dimensional hydrodynamic simulations. We found that a smaller planet, with an inclination of ∼10○–20○, can produce kinematic features as prominent as those induced by a massive coplanar planet. Despite the kinematic features being similar, the gap is shallower and narrower compared with the case in which the kinematic features are formed by a coplanar planet. We also found that the kinematic features induced by an inclined planet were fainter for rarer CO isotopologues because the velocity perturbation is weaker at the position closer to the midplane, which was different in the case with a coplanar massive planet. This dependence on the isotopologues is distinguished if the planet has an inclined orbit. We discussed two observed kinematic features in the disk of HD 163296. We concluded that the kink observed at 220 au can be induced by an inclined planet, while the kink at 67 au is consistent to that induced by a coplanar planet.

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