
AbstractWhen the payload is too large or the hook mass cannot be ignored, the double‐pendulum phenomenon may happen in rotary cranes practical applications. The increase in dynamic complexity makes it more difficult to fast and accurate positioning while suppressing swing during cargo transportation. Moreover, output constraints should be considered in actual crane systems. In this paper, a novel kinematic coupling‐based trajectory planning method is proposed for double‐pendulum rotary cranes with the constraints on angular acceleration and velocity of the boom. The proposed trajectory consists of two parts: a positioning reference component and a swing‐eliminating component. The positioning reference trajectory takes into account the physical constraints of the actuator. The swing‐eliminating trajectory is designed based on the kinematic coupling relationship among the boom luffing, the hook swing and the payload swing. Lyapunov techniques and Barbalat lemma are used for stability analysis. Numerical simulation and real experiments verify the superior control performance and robustness of the proposed control method.

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