
Jaw protrusion is an important component of prey capture in fishes, although the mechanics of protrusion have thus far been studied largely in teleosts. Elasmobranchs are also able to protrude their jaws (Tricas and McCosker [1984] Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci. 43: 221-238; Tricas [1985] Mem. S. Calif. Acad. Sci. 8:81-91.; Frazzetta and Prange [1987] Copeia 4:979-993). Several related features of the feeding apparatus contribute to jaw protrusion in sharks. Labial cartilages form an extendible series attached dorsally to the anterolateral face of the palatoquadrate and ventrally to the anteroventral surface of Meckel's cartilage. The labial cartilage chain swings anterolaterally as the lower jaw is depressed, thrusting the labial margins forward to form a circular oral opening and displacing the jaw apparatus towards the food; this pattern is analogous to halecomorph and primitive actinopterygian fishes in which the maxilla swings forward (Lauder [1979] J. Zool. Lond. 187:543-578). The palatoquadrate and Meckel's cartilage also project anteriorly and represent the major contribution to protrusion. These movements occur simultaneously with enlargement of the oral cavity to generate suction. The wobbegong sharks (Orectolobidae) are specialized for jaw protrusion. The spotted wobbegong protrudes its jaw by 33% of its chondrocranial length using two different mechanical systems. In the first mechanism of jaw protrusion, the intermandibularis and interhyoideus muscles medially compress the lower jaw and hyomandibulae. Compression of the lower jaw results in a more acute symphyseal angle so that the anteroposterior alignment of the lower jaw increases due to the rotation of each lower jaw towards a saggital orientation. Distal compression of the hyomandibulae at their attachments to the jaws swings the jaws forward. The second mechanism involves rotation of the ceratohyal around a posterior process of the lower jaw, pushing the hyomandibulae anteroventrally, thereby pushing the jaw articulation ventrally and anteriorly to protrude the jaws. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

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