
Kimpul (Xanthosoma sagitifolium) is one type of local tuber plant that has high carbohydrate content (34.2g/100g). This plant provides an opportunity to be utilized as an alternative source of sugar. The use of kimpul as liquid sugar becomes an alternative sweetener that needs testing from the perspective of nutrition and health. The Glycemic Index (GI) is a term that is closely related to carbohydrate metabolism, which has the index (level) of food according to its effect on blood glucose levels. The study of the formulating process of kimpul liquid sugar that has a lower GI attempts the use of sugar from kimpul can be more appropriate and well-targeted. This study aimed to determine the engineering process to decrease the GI value of liquid sugar from kimpul through the treatment of tea extract addition and identify the nutritional value, calorific value, GI value, and tannin content in the kimpul liquid sugar as the result of the engineering process. The results showed that the addition of black tea extract with a 2% concentration could reduce the GI value of the kimpul liquid sugar. Thus, kimpul liquid sugar can use as a source of natural sugar with a low GI.

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