
The ca. 1153 Ma Premier kimberlite pipe on the Kaapvaal craton has been intruded by late-stage kimberlite and carbonatite magmas forming discrete 0.5 to 5 m wide dykes within the lower diatreme. On the basis of petrography and geochemistry, the fresh kimberlite dykes represent archetypal monticellite phlogopite kimberlite of Group-1 affinity. Their mineral compositions, however, show marked deviations from trends that are typically considered as diagnostic for Group-1 kimberlite in mineralogical-genetic classification schemes for volatile-rich ultramafic rocks. Groundmass spinel compositions are transitional between magnesian ulvöspinel (a Group-1 kimberlite hallmark feature) and titanomagnetite trends, the latter being more diagnostic for lamproite, orangeite (formerly Group-2 kimberlite), and aillikite. The Premier kimberlite dykes contain groundmass phlogopite that evolves by Al- and Ba-depletion to tetraferriphlogopite, a compositional trend that is more typical for orangeite and aillikite. Although high-pressure cognate and groundmass ilmenites from the Premier hypabyssal kimberlites are characteristically Mg-rich (up to 15 wt% MgO), they contain up to 5 wt% MnO, which is more typical for carbonate-rich magmatic systems such as aillikite and carbonatite. Manganese-rich groundmass ilmenite also occurs in the Premier carbonatite dykes, which are largely devoid of mantle-derived crystal cargo, suggesting a link to the kimberlite dykes by fractionation processes involving development of residual carbonate-rich melts and fluids. Although mineralogical-genetic classification schemes for kimberlites and related rocks may provide an elegant approach to circumvent common issues such as mantle debris entrainment, many of the key mineral compositional trends are not as robust for magma type identification as previously thought.Utilizing an experimentally constrained CO2-degassing model, it is suggested that the Premier kimberlite dykes have lost between 10 and 20 wt% CO2 during magma ascent through the cratonic lithosphere, prior to emplacement near the Earth's surface. Comparatively low fO2 values down to −5.6 ∆NNO are obtained for the kimberlite dykes when applying monticellite and perovskite oxybarometry, which probably reflects significant CO2 degassing during magma ascent rather than the original magma redox conditions and those of the deep upper mantle source. Thus, groundmass mineral oxybarometry may have little value for the prediction of the diamond preservation potential of ascending kimberlite magmas.After correction for olivine fractionation and CO2-loss, there remains a wide gap between the primitive kimberlite and carbonatite melt compositions at Premier, which suggests that these magma types cannot be linked by variably low degrees of partial melting of the same carbonated peridotite source in the deep upper mantle. Instead, fractionation processes produced carbonate-rich residual melts/fluids from ascending kimberlite magma, which led to the carbonatite dykes within Premier pipe.

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