
IN any given week a fantastic amount of correspondence, news releases, newspaper clippings, etc., reaches our desk. Often there does not seem to be any relationship between these items. Not infrequently, however, further reflection does disclose a pattern—something like the pieces of a jigsaw puzzle being fitted into place. Last week was a good example. First, we received a letter from a well known professor and head of the chemistry department of a midwestern state university, discussing salaries in the academic field. He feels that most people are unaware of the serious plight of associate and full professors in many universities. He cited the case of a midwestern university that paid $5500 to get a good man on the staff when there were about 10 associate professors receiving $6500 to $7000. In many smaller midwestern universities, top professors receive no more than $8000 or $9000. Many new Ph.D. graduates get as much in their first ...

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