
Introduction of forage legumes to fallow areas in the dryland areas of Turkey have been extensive practice for the last decade. Research on the forage legumes indicated that winter type forage legumes perform well as compare to spring types. Therefore winter vetch acreage has increased particularly in the transitional zones of Central Anatolia . The replacement of H. Vetch with fallow required research on the ways of seedbed preparation and related different management techniques. The following methods were employed: Before first rains I. Mouldbord Plow II. Offset disk III. Rotavator After first rains IV. Mouldboard plow V. Burning straw and weep+arrow VI.Broadcasting and sweep under Hungarian vetch was produced for its hay and seed under weed-free and weedy conditions. Two fields were utilized in order to get data each year. Following vetch harvest whole area of plots were sweeped or disked for wheat seedbed preparation. Analysis of H. Vetch yields showed following results; a) Pre-rain plowing was found better in weed-free hay and seed productions b) In the production of weedy hay, post-rain plowing was promising method. In terms of wheat yields, H. Vetch should be grown with the following methods; c) In the weed-free hay production and seed production pre-rain mouldboard plow be prefered. d) For the areas where the establishment of wheat can delay, post-rain plowing was better than pre-rain plowing in the weedy seed production. e) Hay production increased following wheat yields as compare with the wheat yields following seed production of the vetch. f) If the vetch is produced for its seed, weed control in vetch is vital. Weed control increased following yield of wheat from 25 % up to 51 %. Economic analysis of the methods indicated the followings: Pre-rain plowing was the best method for both of seed and hay under weed-free condition. Post-rain plowing provided the most benefit for both of the seed and the hay under weedy condition. The most beneficial method in weed-free condition was pre-rain plowing. It was followed by pre-rain plowing with 10 % less benefit for the same type production. The least sensitive to weedy and weed-free cases was the post-rain plowing for the seed and the hay productions.

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