
It’s a simple idea. Introduce a kid to a scientist, and let the child ask questions—whatever they wonder about. Then ask the child to reflect a little on the conversation when it’s over by drawing a picture or writing a few words. This is the gist of Science Storytellers, a program founded by freelance science writer Jennifer Cutraro. At the ACS national meeting in Boston last month, C&EN partnered with Science Storytellers to bring this program to the ACS Kids Zone event held at the Boston Children’s Museum. Cutraro, who has experience in both science journalism and science education, started the program a little more than a year ago. “I started to think about what it could look like if we got kids and scientists talking to each other very informally,” she says. There are no whiz-bang demonstrations or long-winded lectures. It’s just a chat. “I have been blown away

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