
Nigella sativa (NS) has a protective effect on cellular damage caused by oxidative stress. Selenium has an antioxidative effect. Toxocara canis is one of the nematodes causing visceral larva migrans. Men infected with this parasite ingesting an embryonic egg. It is more common in children between 1-4 years than adults. From the ingested embryonic egg, the larvae released in the small intestine and they migrate to so many organs such as liver, spleen, kidney, lung, brain, retina of the eye, pancreas and causing lesions. In particular, it is known to cause intense damage to kidney tissue. In this study mice with Toxocara canis infection were administered Nigella sativa in prophylactic and treatment doses (100 and 200 mg/kg body weight) and selenium levels were determined in their kidney tissues. In the healthy control group, kidney selenium levels were 980,46±236,68 ng/g and in mice infected with Toxocara canis 1240,15±315,77 ng/g. Kidney tissue Se levels of mice given NS in two different doses for treatment (Treated N100, Treated N200) and prophylaxis (Prophylactic N100 and ProphylacticN200) respectively are 1297,95±354,37; 1361,29±410,46 ng/g; 1148,55±240,28 ng/g and 1465,81±450,25 ng/g. Kidney tissue selenium levels were high in both treatment and prophylaxis dose NS given mice. In conclusion, Nigella sativa can cause increases in kidney tissue selenium levels depends on given doses.

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