
This article discusses cyberspace in detail, its appearance, the basics of development, and aspects related to interaction with social networks. A scientific analysis of the legal regulation of maintaining order in cyberspace was carried out, and its legal nature and scientists’ reviews of cyberspace were analysed. Special emphasis is paid to avatars, which are considered means of social relations in cyberspace, their concept, essence, and significance of content, and new objects of social relations in cyberspace. The article reflects the characteristics of avatars associated with the virtual world, cyberspace in general, and the opinions and recommendations of scientists in this regard. There was also a scientific analysis of the characteristics of avatars associated with cyberspace, as well as the limits and methods of their legitimate use. In this regard, statistical materials conducted by scientists were also cited. Protection, order, types, and methods of intangible benefits are distinguished in cyberspace. Alternatively, the fact that avatars are the result of intellectual activity, and considered objects of intellectual property, scientific definitions given by mature scientists as their basis are analyzed, in addition, the calculation of avatars as objects of intellectual property is studied on the basis of international and national norms. In cyberspace, opinions were expressed on the need to create a mechanism aimed at the direct regulation of avatars as an object of intellectual property, as well as the further development of digital law in this regard.

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