
Background: Prostate cancer represents the second most frequently diagnosed malignancy among the male and fth leading cause of death. Tumour grade is one of the most important prognostic factors of prostate cancer. There are many markers studied in prostatic cancers, but the most extensively studied one is Ki-67, the proliferative marker. Prostatic cancers with Ki-67 over expression are generally aggressive. Aim And Objectives: - Aim of this study is evaluate ki67 immunoexpression in adenocarcinoma of prostate and to correlate with histopathological grade (Gleason Grade). This is single centre cross sectional study. The patie Material Methods:- nt who visited department of urology and renal transplant in Gauhati medical college and hospital and whose TRUS guided biopsy were received in the pathology department and diagnosed as adenocarcinoma were included. A total 50 cases were analysed. Tumour grade was determined according to Gleason's grading system and Ki-67 expressions were determined by IHC staining. The obtained results were analysed and evaluated using Chi square test (IBM SPSS version 21). Result And Interpretation:- A statically signicant correlation found between Gleason Grade and Ki-67 immuno expression with a p value of <0.001. In this study a statistically signicant correlation was found between Conclusion: - Gleason Grade and ki-67 labelling index. Hence Ki-67 immunoexpression evaluation and its result can be incorporated with histopathology which may inuence clinical decision making as prognosis of prostate cancer.

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