
Sayyid Qutb in Egypt against Nasser and Muhammad Husayn Fadlallah in Lebanon against the Maronite hegemony seem to have the same “revolutionary” ideas. Their objective is to establish an Islamic State as soon as possible. Qutb is a sunni militant, Fadlallah a chii who critically followed the Khomeinist innovation (in chii tradition) of the “velayat e-faqih”. Both express a very marginal “political Islam”, far from the main “quietist” political trend of the muslim thought in sunni as in chii imamite traditions. That is why the revolutionary islamic militantism in Lebanon, which appears to be sunni as well as chii, can be referred to as to a “Lebanese Khomeinism”, very close to a “Syro-Lebanese Qutbism”. The chiasm is not between sunnism and chiism, but between islamic political extremism and muslim political traditional quietism.

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