
 Entrepreneurship is the act of earning through engagement in business and investment, which can be achieved by everyone regardless of gender, religion, background, environment and social status. It is highly encouraged in Islam through various Qur'anic verses and Prophetic traditions. Similarly, Muslims are seriously cautions against idle-living that usually affect socio-economic growth and development of the people. This study recognized that most of the contemporary Muslim women of Gombe state continue to remain idle and could contribute less to the development of their society economically and socially. This triggers the research towards calling their attention to duplicate and put into practice the life of Khadijah Bnt Khuwaylid (R.A) the wife of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW), the wealthiest merchant and most exalted business woman of Arabian Peninsula in the 1st Century of Islam. This study was conducted using descriptive method to analyze the strategies adopted by this great woman to earn income, reduced unemployment in her community, supported the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) and Islam economically. The research uncovers that the effect of idle living among Muslim Women in Gombe State usually cause crises in matrimonial setups, social vices and child upbringing. It further recommends that women should become economically self-reliant, also government, individuals and non-governmental organizations should establish entrepreneurship Centers as well as acquisition centers at all levels to train women on entrepreneurship and government should support them with business take-up packages, Husbands and parents should be supportive to their wives and children that decide to start-up business as the benefit will extend to the family members, community and country at large.

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