
Integration processes in science, education and production are driven by the acceleration of scientific and technological progress, the introduction of innovative scientific developments into mass production and the informatisation of the economy. The development of knowledge-intensive industries places new demands on the training and retraining of innovation-sensitive personnel, as well as on science, education and the economy as a whole, which are currently unable to develop effectively independently and adapt to changes in technology and engineering. The purpose of the article is to find promising areas for the development of education and science based on their integration with business entities not only within the limited space of regions, but also on the basis of spatial integration of territories with a special geographical location. Methodology. The necessary and socially significant conditions for the integration of science, education and business are the achievement of knowledge and skills, goals and values related to the acceleration of the reproduction of innovation potential in society, awareness of the role of science, education and business in solving problems of innovation development, and also their integration interaction in this area. Practical implications. Three main levels of economic systems are allocated: individual, organisation, and region. It has been determined that the degree of influence of innovation processes on them is determined by the presence and condition of three factors necessary for the formation of innovation susceptibility (stabilising, activating and structural). Value/Оriginality. Based on the concepts of the main innovation systems and the necessary conditions for innovative economic growth, the authors have clarified the content of the category "innovation receptivity of the region". The paper also reveals the basic principles of building a model of innovation receptivity and determines the degree of interdependence and interdependence between its constituent elements based on a systematic approach.

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