
Illustrated keys are provided for the identification of Laemophloeidae, Passandridae and Silvanidae found in stored products throughout the world. Pest species, those which are regularly brought into the store with the crop, and species which are found in stored products mainly because of their association with dunnage or structural timbers are included. Forty-seven species and 18 genera are described. The species descriptions are accompanied by illustrations of external morphology and, for most species, genitalia. Notes on distribution and biology are given and these include several new storage and field distribution records and some new biological information, particularly for Silvanolomus spp. The Laemophloeidae included comprise nine species of Cryptolestes, two of Placonotus and single species of Planolestes, Leptophloeus and Passandrophloeus. Planolestes cornutus (Grouvelle) is confirmed as a junior synonym of P. brunneus (Grouvelle). One species of Passandridae, Aulonosoma tenebrioides Motschulsky, is described. The Silvanidae included encompass nine species of Silvanus, five of Silvanoprus, four of Oryzaephilus and three of Silvanolomus, including Silvanolomus goughi sp. nov. from Australia, Indonesia and Vietnam, two species each of Ahasverus, Parasilvanus and Cathartosilvanus, including Cathartosilvanus aitkenae sp. nov. from Costa Rica, Venezuela, Brazil, Bolivia and Paraguay, and single species of Cathartus, Cryptamorpha, Monanus, Nausibius and Protosilvanus. Silvanoprus inermis (Reitter), a species not known to be associated with stored products, is transferred to Silvanolomus ( Silvanolomus inermis (Reitter) comb. nov.) and three new synonymies are proposed: Cathartus quadricollis (Guérin-Méneville) (= Cathartus annectens Sharp syn. nov.), Cathartosilvanus opaculus (LeConte) (= Cathartosilvanus trivialis (Grouvelle) syn. nov.) and Silvanoprus longicollis (Reitter) (= Silvanoprus javanicus (Grouvelle) syn. nov.).

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