
The history of is generally referred to early production of traditional animation. It has begun in the early 1900. Animation is the essence of animation as explained by Halas (1991). It is a series of images that appear to be in motion. It can be either traditional or computer animation. In addition, Greenberg (1997) explains Animation is a deliberately interpreted of life. It has been practiced for the last 70 years in both drawn and stop motion animation, and as such, is not an attempt to mimic human and animal life exactly Traditionally is produced by drawing illusion of movement created by photographing a series of individual drawings on successive frames on film. Gleicher (1999), explains Animation is a uniquely expressive art form: it provides the creator with control over both the appearance and the movement of characters and objects. This gives artists tremendous freedom, which when well used, can create works with tremendous impact. According to the historical timeline, many forms of have been introduced. This includes cel animation, clay animation, stop frame animation, three dimensional (3D) computer and virtual reality. With the rapid growth of this industry various types of techniques, methodologies and computer technologies have been developed, for instance keyframe animation, non-linear animation, motion capture, procedural and etc. This research discusses about producing by using two methods: motion capture and keyframe animation. Throughout this, the author covers some feedback from the respondents about the priority of using these both methods. It also highlights the pros and cons of these two approaches.

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