
The huge challenges in the transfer of agricultural technology are how close to the final users and how to continue the use of technology to meet upcoming issues. Suitable research techniques to endorse agricultural production and food security are the main priority for several countries. As we all know, the socio-economic background, education level, learning needs, and farmers' problems vary within the country and among the nations. Advanced agricultural technologies and skills are needed to address such issues and needs. These techniques should be disseminated to growers using up-to-date extended extension teaching techniques and policies. Extension agents should spend much of their time planning about which method to use. This review article aimed to deliberate different approaches to transfer and adoption of new technologies to the farmers and growers through extension workers. Agricultural extension method of teaching includes transfer/delivery of new technologies/skills or new production methods in farming, which will advance the living standards of the growers. To successfully transfer the latest information, extension workers must know the grower's requirements, complexities, and opportunities, as well as physical and financial hurdles.

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