
It is indicated that one of the key rights of every individual in a democratic and independent state is the right to work, which, according to the Constitution of Ukraine, includes the opportunity to earn a living by work that a person freely chooses or freely agrees to. It is emphasized that the labor activity of a person should be stimulated in a certain way, not only in the form of separate material payments, but also by providing guarantees, benefits, advantages and privileges for certain categories of workers in accordance with their professional duties.
 The article provides the author's understanding of the concept of «differentiation of legal labor regulation» and based on it, the main features of the differentiation of legal labor regulation of transport workers are highlighted and considered. It is emphasized that there is no normative-legal consolidation of the concept of «differentiation of labor», which makes it difficult to understand the specified concept, as well as to define the criteria that are used to characterize the specified concept. Particular attention was paid to such features as determining the purpose of applying the differentiation of legal regulation of labor relations of employees; the internal structure of differentiation; implementation methods; forms of expression and methods of fixation.
 The author comes to the conclusion that the differentiation of the work of transport workers is characterized by a number of essential features that deepen the understanding of this legal phenomenon and its further research. In our opinion, the signs of labor differentiation of workers in the transport sector offered by us better ensure the individualization of legal regulation of their labor relations, and also reveal in more detail the purpose of applying such differentiation. Thus, this conditions not only the effective development of labor law in general, but also, undoubtedly, is the basis for effective and unprecedented guarantee of labor rights of employees of transport enterprises, their employers, trade union associations, etc.

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