
Despite the sometimes big and irreconcilable differences between different psychotherapeutic currents, researches on the effectiveness of successful psychotherapists of different provenances have shown the presence of some common factors. It turned out that all factors of psychotherapeutic effectiveness belong to the sphere of relationship. The humanistic and personalistic psychologist Carl Rogers subsumed them under three key factors that allow the establishment of a healing relationship: congruence, empathy and unconditional positive attitude towards the client. The positive attitude is based on the humanist/ personalist postulate of the existence of an inner, driving, self actualizing (entelechial) force in each individual, and man as a being in becoming, who is enabled and encouraged to become who he/she is by this positive, supportive attitude. Many studies have confirmed the role and importance of these factors and the quality of the relationship as a necessary and indispensable condition for the success of any psychotherapy. This approach proved to be very fruitful and successful in other areas of work and communication, when it is aimed at establishing, building, nurturing and improving interpersonal relationships, as the basis for the well-being and health of individuals and groups.

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