
European integration is the main and unchanging foreign policy priority of Ukraine, and further development and deepening of relations between Ukraine and the EU is based on the principles of political association and economic integration. In the context of the formation, development and improvement of the phenomenology of democratic legal statehood, permanent parademocratic and metademocratic processes of tactical and strategic nature emerge and intensify, as well as purely democratic trends are formed, which are determined by these processes, which permanently stimulate the relevant phenomenology, emphasizing its potential and promising opportunities, as well as new forms of communication interaction and fairly productive cooperation - full-fledged subjects of law. The construction sector is one of the basic sectors of the economy of every country in the world. The level of its development has a significant impact on the economic security of the state. The participation of construction in many socio-economic processes and its interconnection with all sectors of the economy make it an important component of the country's economic growth. The construction sector meets the primary physiological needs of society for housing and protection. The fund-forming function provides fixed assets (buildings and structures) to private, state, and municipal entities of all types of economic activity. At the same time, markets for capital, goods and services, and labor resources are formed; commercial, transport, and socio-cultural infrastructure is developed. It is established that the growth of the construction industry inevitably leads to the emergence of the necessary conditions for the country's economic development and the solution of many social problems. The article suggests ways to improve the economic condition of the construction industry and construction enterprises.

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