
The article gives an overview of the history of limnology - science about lakes, in Russia since the early 19 th to the mid-20 th century. Some biographical details about great sci­entists who have founded Russian limnology, information about the biological research stations that have played a major role in the education of limnologists and the establish­ment of the main fields of limnology in Russia are provided. A retrospective of the evolu­tion of limnology from the first geographical descriptions of lakes, hydrographic and mor­phometric measurements, studies of the fauna and flora of individual lakes to integrated surveys comprising hydrological, hydrochemical and hydrobiological observations is giv­en. Limnology has been developing from the understanding of the unity and interaction of a lake and its catchment to studies of the production and balance dimensions of or­ganic matter cycles. The history of G. Yu. Vereshchagin's limnological school and estab­lishment of the Limnology Laboratory, later transformed into the Institute of Limnology of the USSR Academy of Sciences is related.


  • The article gives an overview of the history of limnology – science about lakes, in Russia since the early 19th to the mid-20th century

  • Some biographical details about great scientists who have founded Russian limnology, information about the biological research stations that have played a major role in the education of limnologists and the establishment of the main fields of limnology in Russia are provided

  • Limnology has been developing from the understanding of the unity and interaction of a lake and its catchment to studies of the production and balance dimensions of organic matter cycles

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Озерецковский первым в географической литературе своего времени дал столь детальный очерк озер, а его последующие поездки по озерам Европейской России способствовали становлению отечественного озероведения как отрасли знаний в России. Под руководством Анучина, кроме преподавательской деятельности занимался изучением озер, перевел на русский язык ряд монографий по географии и лимнологии. Позднее при МГУ были организованы и другие биологические станции (Косинская, Звенигородская и др.).

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