
Uganda holds infrastructure development as one of its key priorities, and has made tremendous efforts towards infrastructure development, within the available means. However, the need, which is constantly growing, outweighs the available resources.This paper analyses Uganda’s current and future infrastructure needs, citing obstacles to the achievement of the country’s infrastructure development goals, and proposing solutions to the cited challenges. It asserts that the key areas that require infrastructure development in Uganda include transport, communication, energy, water supply, and healthcare. It cites the main drivers of the need for infrastructural development as: high population growth, urbanization, climate change, technological advancement and, general economic growth.Among other challenges, the paper emphasizes a shortage of funds as the main obstacle to infrastructure development in Uganda; and proposes engagement in public-private partnerships as the major solution to this challenge. Keywords: Infrastructure development, transport, communication, energy, water supply, healthcare, economic growth, population growth, climate change DOI: 10.7176/JESD/11-4-13 Publication date: February 29 th 2020

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