
The goal here is to identify key directions for the future advanced research initiatives in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and beyond. The following areas are identified as having particular importance: (1) socially emotional, ethical, and moral AI, (2) self-developing and self-sustainable AI, and (3) human-analogous AI, inspired by the human psychology. As a result, a general concept is formulated with the intent to clarify and unify the currently popular slogans, including Artificial General Intelligence (AGI), Strong AI, Human-Level or Humanlike AI (HLAI), Brain-Inspired or Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures (BICA), and more. The key idea of the proposed concept is that future AI must open a new angle of view and new perspectives to humans, thereby enriching and transforming the society, helping it to solve its problems and taking the civilization to a new level. While being created by humans, for humans, and fully compatible with humans at the social level, it will not be “a human in silicon”, but rather an “alien”: intelligent, friendly, and welcome. Its principles will combine preprogrammed basic functions and its own natural ontogeny in a virtual social environment. Forms of implementation will range from virtual entities to wearable electronics and autonomous robots. The expected impact on the society will be immense and crucial for its survival.

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