
Background: The Ministry of Health has a special guidance for increasing the utilization of generic drugs in governmental health facilities. Beside, The Ministry of Health also has regulation for writing a generic drugs prescription at governmental hospital (permenkes RI No. 085/Menkes/Per/I/1989). This regulation push the doctors in governmental hospital to write prescription on generic and essential drugs, for the patient treatment. The objective of this research was getting information about the availability of generic and essential drugs in governmental health facilities as well as private health facilities upon same district and cities in Indonesia. Methods: This research has been conducted in July to December 2006, using the cross sectional research design. Location selected consist of three areas, there were archipelagoes, wide continent and development area. A purposive sample has been selected, there were 10 distributor unit, 10 govermental hospitals, 20 primary health centers (puskesmas), and 20 dispensaries, as well as 10 drugstores. The method of data collection were interviewed using structure question instrument, prescription observation in hospital, primary health centers, and dispensaries, private dispensaries in hospital, drugstore as well. Results: A descriptive analyzed has been done to get some tables presenting as result. The results show that the range of availability of generic drugs in primary health centers 84.89–100% (x¯ = 95.4%), in governmental hospital 11.29–95.65%) (x¯ = 51.44%) and in dispensaries 1.97–66.6% (x¯ = 18.73%). Generic medicine prescription in primary health centers 91.60–100% (x¯ = 98.82%) while the essential medicine prescription in primary health centers 92.83–100% (x¯ = 97.22%). The range of generic medicine prescription in governmental hospital is 14.58–100% (x¯ = 55.38%), and essential medicine prescription in governmental hospital 52.30–91.75% (x¯ = 69.93%). In dispensaries generic medicine prescription have range 2.63% - 80.20% (x¯ = 26.24%), while the essential medicine prescription in dispensary 46.85–78.88% (x¯ = 52.74%). Due to those results, the suggestion are to develop Rational Drug Use Training in hospital and private clinic continuely. Besides advocation to distric health office (Dinkes Kab/kota) to implement utilization generic and essential medicine and also activation of Pharmacy and Therapy Commission to monitoring and evaluating rational drug use. Key words: generic medicine, essential medicine, primary health care, governmental hospital, dispensary, drugstore

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