
This study investigates the difficulties in teaching nahwu using the blended learning method in the Arabic Language and Literature Study Program (BSA), Faculty of Islamic Studies, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. The primary data was collected by interviewing six BSA lecturers and four BSA students in the first semester of the academic year of 2021/2022. The interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA) was utilized to analyze the data. The data analysis resulted in the following findings. It can be determined that the implementation of blended learning in the Arabic Language and Literature Study Program of Universitas Ahmad Dahlan used a two-class method, with online and offline classes. Students in online nahwu classes endured several difficulties, including unstable internet connections, non-interactive teaching methods, and lecturers’ inability to control all their students’ conditions. Meanwhile, students in offline nahwu classes underwent difficulties such as limited study time during class. The lecturers also experienced a similar difficulty when teaching students new to the Arabic language, as learning the principles of nahwu required a lengthy time. In addition, the lecturers felt uneasy when explaining the learning materials while wearing masks.

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