
<p>Surakarta City is one of a city in Indonesia which has chosen for developing as child friendly city. Child friendly city is the concepts of a city which ensure the rights of children, such as providing city park as recreative and cerative place for children. Therefore, city park in Surakarta should suitable with child friendly city concept. The research question is to know the suitability of city park in Surakarta with the concept of child friendly city. There are five components for assessing this suitability: (1) accessibility, (2) recreation utility. (3) sport utility, (4) supporting facilities and (5) vegetation. The research method uses quantitive method with deductive approach and scoring analysis technique. The result shown that all of city park in Surakarta is not suitable with the criteria above. From the research, we can conclude that is Surakarta should increase the quantity and quality of whole components of city park based on the child friendly concept. Therefore, child friendly city in city park can be implementated and have the impact to guarantee the needs of children for playing in comfortable and safe park.</p>

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