
The research aims to analyze students' modesty in Indonesian on social media, so that students pay more attention to the modesty in Indonesian through social media. Research uses qualitative descriptive methods to describe complex social realities by describing, classifying, analyzing, and interpreting data according to its natural condition. Data collection techniques take from student conversation screenshoots from social media WhatsApp, Facebook, and Instagram.The results showed, 1) there is still an ambiguous use of the word in written communication, 2) the use of the word "Sorry" to start a conversation on social media, 3) displeasure in giving greetings to lecturers, 4) the use of casual language (disrespectful) to lecturers, 5) indifference in word selection to lecturers through social media, and 6) insensitivity in giving opening greetings.Lecturers give direction to students through personal writing communication and provide examples of polite communication when chatting with students. The student's response after being given direction by the lecturer, has a positive impact. Students pay more attention to the civility of language when communicating with lecturers, either through written communication, or oral communication.

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