
In the current matrix factorization recommendation approaches, the item and the user latent factor vectors are with the same dimension. Thus, the linear dot product is used as the interactive function between the user and the item to predict the ratings. However, the relationship between real users and items is not entirely linear and the existing recommendation model of matrix factorization faces the challenge of data sparsity. To this end, we propose a kernelized deep neural network recommendation model in this article. First, we encode the explicit user-item rating matrix in the form of column vectors and project them to higher dimensions to facilitate the simulation of nonlinear user-item interaction for enhancing the connection between users and items. Second, the algorithm of association rules is used to mine the implicit relation between users and items, rather than simple feature extraction of users or items, for improving the recommendation performance when the datasets are sparse. Third, through the autoencoder and kernelized network processing, the implicit data are connected with the explicit data by the multilayer perceptron network for iterative training instead of doing simple linear weighted summation. Finally, the predicted rating is output through the hidden layer. Extensive experiments were conducted on four public datasets in comparison with several existing well-known methods. The experimental results indicated that our proposed method has obtained improved performance in data sparsity and prediction accuracy.

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