
Since its discovery in the years of the French Revolution, the field of keratoprostheses has evolved significantly. However, the path towards its present state has not always been an easy one. Initially discarded for its devastating complications, the introduction of new materials and the discovery of antibiotics in the last century gave new life to the field. Since then, the use of keratoprostheses for severe ocular surface disorders and corneal opacities has increased significantly, to the point that it has become a standard procedure for corneal specialists worldwide. Although the rate of complications has significantly been reduced, these can impede the long-term success, since some of them can be visually devastating. In an attempt to overcome these complications, researchers in the field have been recently working on improving the design of the currently available devices, by introducing the use of new materials that are more biocompatible with the eye. Here we present an update on the most recent research in the field.


  • The basic concept of using an artificial cornea or keratoprosthesis to replace a damaged and opaque cornea is as obvious as placing a window on a house to be able to see out

  • This possibility first occurred to the French doctor Guillaume Pellier de Quengsy, who published the feat in the times of the French Revolution (18th century) [1,2,3]

  • Research on OOKP has focused on finding new materials that could replace the tooth, while at the same time enhance the adherence between the optical cylinder and the

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The basic concept of using an artificial cornea or keratoprosthesis to replace a damaged and opaque cornea is as obvious as placing a window on a house to be able to see out. The good results of these new designs has to be attributed to the discovery of antibiotics and steroids, which improved the postoperative management significantly. DDeevveellooppeedd aatt tthhee MMaassssaacchhuusseettttss EEyyee aanndd EEaarr IInnffiirrmmaarryy iinn tthhee 11996600ss,, aapppprroovveedd bbyy tthhee FFDDAA iinn 11999922,, aanndd CCEE-‐mmaarrkkeedd iinn 22001144,, tthhee BBoossttoonn KKPPrroo ttyyppee II iiss mmaaddee ooff ppuurree PPMMMMAA aanndd ddeessiiggnneedd ttoo bbee iimmppllaanntteedd iinnttoo aa ccaarrrriieerr ccoorrnneeaall ggrraafftt,, lliikkee aa ccoollllaarr bbuuttttoonn [[1100]]..

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