
True Shallot Seed (TSS) of shallot is shallot seed origin as solution of seed availability problem. Generally, farmers still use bulb seed for shallot production. This is because the aspect of shallot cultivation using TSS seed is still to be reviewed. The aims of this research is get information of performance some varieties of TSS shallot compared to bulb seed of Bima Brebes. This research was conducted in the experimental field of Pasir Sarongge IPB, Cianjur in a Randomize Complete Block Design Group by one factor for with three replication. TSS varieties used Bima Brebes (TSS), Tuk tuk, Pikatan, Tajuk, BM 8705, Sanren, and Manjung compared to bulb seed of Bima Brebes. The result showed variability of color and bulb characters on TSS shallot. Variety of Sanren has leaf length, pseudostems diameter, leaf diameter, and number cloves of clump are higher than Bima both of TSS and bulb seed. The dry weight of clump variety for Sanren, Manjung, and BM 8705 showed not significant to bulb seed of Bima Brebes. Keywords : bulb seed, seed availability, variability

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