
<p><em>Swampand dryland agroecosystems has the potential tobe used as acomplementary effort to improve national food security. This effort washamperedby the disruption of plant disease in new improved varieties of riceasone of the technology to increase rice production. This study aims to determine the performance of rice diseases at new improved varieties for swamp and dryland agro eco systems. Research conducted in 2013 growing season in ICR Rusinga randomized block design with 3 replications. The treatments were13new improved varietiesi.e. Inpara 1, Inpara 2, Inpara 3, Inpara 4, Inpara 5, Inpara 6, Inpara 7, Inpago 4, Inpago 4, Inpago 5, Inpago 6, Inpago 7, Inpago 8, and Inpago 9. For disease survei llance drawn diagonalline in each experimental plot, each diagonalline taken10 samples of plant clumps. Each sample clumps was observed the disease severity that were found by scoring method (IRRI, 2002).The results showed there were six diseases that infect new improved varieties for swampand upland agro ecosystems name lystem rot, sheath blight, red stripe, cercosporaleaf spot, bacterial leaf blight,and bacterialleafstreak. Stem rot with the highest severity found in Inpara3(35.18%) and Inpago4(32.96%). Sheath blight with the highest severity found in Inpara1(6.11%) and Inpago7(5.74%). Red stripe withthe highests everity found in Inpara6 (47.78%) and Inpago9 (40.74%). Cercosporaleaf spotwiththe highestseverity found in Inpara5(40.37%) and Inpago6 (14.82%). Bacterial leaf blight with the highest severity found in Inpara3(24.26%) andInpago9 (32.04%). Bacterial leaf streak with the highest severity found in Inpara3(9.26%) and Inpago6 (30.56%).</em></p><p> </p>


  • Agroekosistem rawa dan lahan kering memiliki potensi untuk dijadikan usaha komplementer dalam meningkatkan ketahanan pangan nasional

  • Swampand dryland agroecosystems has the potential tobe used as acomplementary effort to improve national food security

  • This study aims to determine the performance of rice diseases at new improved varieties for swamp and dryland agro eco systems

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Penelitian dilaksanakan pada musim tanam 2013 di Screen Field Balai Besar Penelitian Tanaman Padi, Sukamandi. Ukuran tiap petak percobaan adalah 2 x 4 m2.Tanaman padi dipupukdengan urea 275 kg/ha, SP36 25 kg/ ha, KCl 30 kg/ha, dan pupuk kandang 2 ton)/ ha.Untuk pengamatan penyakit ditarik garis diagonal pada tiap petak percobaan, selanjutnya untuk setiap garis diagonal diambil 10 rumpun tanaman sampel. Tiap rumpun sampel diamati keparahan penyakit yang ditemukan dengan metode skoring (IRRI, 2002). Keparahan penyakit dihitung dengan menggunakan rumus yang dikembangkan oleh Horswal and Cooling dalam Sudir et al (2009) sebagai berikut: KP= “(ni. N) x 100%, KP= keparahan penyakit (%), ni= jumlah sampel dengan nilai skor keparahan tertentu, i= skor keparahan (0, 1, 3, 5, 7 dan 9), V= nilai skala dari sampel ke i, N= jumlah sampel yang diamati, dan Z= skor keparahan tertinggi. Data dianalisis statisitik dengan menggunakan uji F pada taraf 5%. Jika hasil perlakuan berpengaruh nyata maka dilakukan uji lanjut dengan menggunakan DMRT pada taraf 5% (Gomez and Gomez, 1995)

Bacterial Leaf Streak
Ketahanan terhadap Hama dan Penyakit
Hawar Pelepah
Agak rentan kekeringan dan rentan keracunan Al
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