
Tourism and Hotel businesses are moving forward, espesially for MICE event. The objectives of this research were to analyze the factors of corporate customer satisfaction and loyalty on MICE event at hotel HSTH, the difference of satisfaction and loyalty beetwen governmental and non-governmental institutions, and to form the strategies of Hotel HSTH. It was conducted by using Structural Equation Modelling (SEM), Importance Performance Analysis (IPA), Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) and Custommer Loyalty Index (CLI). Based on the five dimension of Parasuraman, the most important factor was tangible dimension. The recommendations were: to upgrade all atribute espesially from tangible dimension and other atribute; to increase the knowledge of the hotel staff; and to monitor program and supervisory of the working quality.


  • Tourism and Hotel businesses are moving forward, espesially for MICE event

  • The objectives of this research were to analyze the factors of corporate customer satisfaction and loyalty on MICE event

  • It was conducted by using Structural Equation Modelling

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Agus Prihanto

Pariwisata dan usaha perhotelan semakin berkembang, khususnya acara MICE. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis faktor-faktor kepuasan dan loyalitas konsumen institusional acara MICE di hotel HSTH, menganalisis perbedaan kepuasan dan loyalitas antara Institusi Pemerintah dan Non-pemerintah serta membuat strategi untuk Hotel HSTH. Analisis dilakukan menggunakan Pemodelan Persamaan Struktural, Analisis Kepentingan Performa, Indeks Kepuasan Konsumen dan Indeks Loyalitas Konsumen. Berdasarkan lima dimensi Parasuraman, faktor yang paling penting adalah dimensi tangible. Rekomendasinya adalah memperbaiki semua atribut dimensi tangible dan atribut lainnya, meningkatkan pengetahuan staf hotel dan memonitor program dan supervisi kualitas kerja. Kata kunci: Model persamaan struktural, analisis kepentingan performa, indeks kepuasan konsumen, indeks loyalitas konsumen

Tingkat Kepentingan dan Kinerja Hotel
Analisis Pengaruh Atribut terhadap Kepuasan
Pengaruh Lima Dimensi Kepuasan terhadap Kepuasan dan Loyalitas
Tingkat Kepuasan dan Loyalitas Responden
Strategi Peningkatan dan Perbaikan
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