
Lawful income is one of important element in Islam to uphold the Concept of Halalan Tayyiban Dietary (KPHT). An income that is sourced from unlawful or ambiguous (syubhah) trade or occupation, directly affects the source of foods obtained therefrom. Therefore, this study purports to observe the importance of lawful income in upholding the concept of halalan tayyiban dietary based on the practices of AKM recipients. This study adapted qualitative methodology as well as utilizing direct interview technique by Focus Group Discussion (FGD) to collect data. The analysis of interview data was duly processed by employing the assistance of Non-numerical Unstructured Data Indexing Searching and Theorizing (NUD.IST) software, or also known as QSR NVivo version 10. Tespondents from this research are recipients of national Exemplary Family Awards (AKM) organized by Yayasan Dakwah Islamiah Malaysia (YADIM). The result of the study demonstrated that lawful income has a very significant importance in KPHT. Meanwhile, three main themes could be produced to form a model known as the Concept of Halalan Tayyiban Dietary of Exemplary Family (KPHTKM). Within this model, a total of four subthemes were successfully developed to describe the connotation of lawful income of the AKM recipients, and following that, can be correlated to its importance within KPHT. The results of the study is seen to be contributing towards the development of a guideline for earning lawful income of Muslim families. Subsequent studies are suggested, focusing on other aspects in KPHTKM that are still untouched by this study.

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