
Halal certificate is a written fatwa MUI that states halal food products in accordance with Islamic law, aims to provide legal assurance to consumers. However, the existing regulations are still per-ceived sectoral, partial, inconsistent and not systemic. Moreover, the most fundamental thing is the halal certification is not an obligation (mandatory) for businesses but it is voluntary. Consequently, halal certification and halal label do not have strong legal legitimacy which results in legal uncer-tainty of halal food products. In regard to this, the draft of Law on Halal Product Guarantee that is still stalled in the House should be soon stipulated and MUI should be given the authority to issue halal certification and perform it through the Fatwa Commission LPPOM. In addition, the govern-ment serves as a regulator as well as supervisor in the implementation of the provisions of the law which cause justice uncertainty.Key words: halal certificate, the Indonesian Ulama Council, food products


  • Sertifikat halal adalah fatwa tertulis Majelis Ulama Indonesia (MUI) yang menyatakan kehalalan suatu produk pangan sesuai dengan syari’at Islam, bertujuan untuk memberikan kepastian hukum bagi yang mengkonsumsinya

  • have strong legal legitimacy which results in legal uncertainty of halal food products

  • In regard to this, the draft of Law on Halal Product Guarantee that is still stalled in the House should be soon stipulated

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Metode Penelitian

Adapun permasalahan didekati dengan beberapa pendekatan meliputi pendekatan perundang-undangan dan pendekatan analisis. Spesifikasi penelitian yang digunakan berupa deskritif analisis. Data yang digunakan adalah data sekunder meliputi peraturan perundang-undangan dan literature yang relevan dengan sertifikasi dan labelisasi halal produk pangan. All inclusive dan systematic dengan analisis normatif kualitatif

Keterkaitan dan Pentingnya Sertifikasi Halal dengan Labelisasi Halal
Sistem Jaminan Halal
Sambutan Menteri Kehakiman dan Hak Asasi Manusia
Auditing Penentuan Titik Kritis Kehalalan
Pengaturan dan Pemberian Jaminan Perlindungan dan Kepastian Hukum bagi Konsumen
Adapun kegiatan Labelisasi Halal dikelola oleh
Daftar Pustaka
Masyarakat Islam dan Penyelenggaraan
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