
Anopheles ludlowae is specifically known as malaria vector found in Sulawesi. The aim of study was to investigate population and breeding place of An. ludlowae in several ecosystems of Central Sulawesi. The study was conducted in Malino, Tanah Mpulu, and Lalombi villages, South Banawa sub district, Donggal district, Central Sulawesi province. There were six observed ecosystems i.e. settlements where were close and distant from a jungle area, settlements where were close and distant from non-jungle area, and settlements where were close and distant from a coastal area. Mosquitoes were caught using a man landing, animal bite trap, sweep net and light trap methods. All traps were set up at 6 p.m. and collected at 6 a.m. Trapped mosquitoes were identified based on key of morphological characteristic identification. Surveillance of mosquitoes larvae was carried out at some potential places of breeding sites i.e. holes around a river, wetland lagoon and other sites. The result demonstrated that An. ludlowae tended to suck blood of livestock and human. The highest population was MHD 4.42 head/person/hour found at settlements where were far from non-jungles. The holes around a river were the breeding place preference of An. ludlowae.

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