
Gender roles constitute the basis of the adoption of the idea that “Women's place is at home”.The roles that society imposes on men and women create social differences and boundaries between the sexes. While marginalizing women, it keeps men at a higher level and causes inequalities between men and women in social life. The city, which is one of the places where inequality and oppression is most evident, sees men as hosts, but welcomes women. From past to present, It will be discussed how the evolution of gender roles in Turkish history is reflected in urban open spaces today. Landscape architects are also responsible for urban open space design with equal accessibility for every segment of society. Landscape architecture branch is responsible for designing that space in a way that every user can use, instead of imposing a gender discrimination on urban open spaces. Every individual is the sole user of public spaces where they can feel safe and free. In this study, the pressures and inequalities created by gender roles that underlie the woman's inability to see herself as a user of the city have been defined. It is aimed to reveal the relationship between the social infrastructure of this situation and the landscape architecture branch, which is one of the environmental design professionals.

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