
This study aims to know the relationship between the authoritarian parenting with emotional maturity. The hypothesis in this study is there is a negative relationship between authoritarian parenting with emotional maturity, in assumption that the higher authoritarian parenting, then the higher emotional maturity and the lower authoritarian parenting, then the lower the emotional maturity itself. The subjects that used in this study are students at the SMP Talitakum Medan, in which the population consists of 98 students. Data obtained from the scale to measure authoritarian parenting and emotional maturity. The calculation of the data began by doing a test prerequisite analysis (the test of assumptions) that consists of a test of normality and a test of linearity. The data analysis in this study uses the Product Moment Correlation with SPSS 21 for Windows. The results of analysis showed the correlation coefficient at - 0,569 of the significance 0.000 (p < 0.05). This shows there is a negative relationship between authoritarian parenting with emotional maturity. The results of this study indicate that the variable of emotional maturity can be predicted by authoritarian parenting at 32.4 percent and 67.6 percent of the rest are influenced by other factors which not examined in this study. Based on the results of this study, the hypothesis is accepted that there is a negative relationship between authoritarian parenting with emotional maturity.


  • Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara pola asuh otoriter dengan kematangan emosi

  • This study aims to know the relationship between the authoritarian parenting with emotional maturity

  • The results of this study indicate that the variable of emotional maturity can be predicted by authoritarian parenting at 32.4 percent and 67.6 percent of the rest are influenced by other factors which not examined in this study

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Kematangan emosi

Apabila mean empirik > mean hipotetik maka hasil penelitian yang diperoleh akan dinyatakan tinggi, dan sebaliknya jika mean empirik < mean hipotetik maka hasil penelitian akan dinyatakan rendah. Hasil analisis untuk skala kematangan emosi diperoleh mean empirik > mean hipotetik yaitu 91,36 > 75, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa kematangan emosi subjek penelitian lebih tinggi daripada populasi pada umumnya. Selanjutnya subjek akan dibagi ke dalam tiga kategori kematangan emosi, yaitu kematangan emosi rendah, sedang dan tinggi. Standar deviasi hipotetik dalam penelitian ini adalah σ = (120 – 30) : 6 = 15 dan mean hipotetiknya adalah (120 + 30) : 2 = 75. Dari perhitungan di atas dapat dibuat perhitungannya berdasarkan rumus yang telah diuraikan di atas, maka diperoleh x < (75 – 15) = x < 60, (75 – 15) ≤ x < (75 + 15) = 60 ≤ x < 90, dan x ≥ (75 + 15) = x ≥ 90. Dapat dibuat kategorisasi pada Tabel berikut ini

Kategori Rendah Sedang Tinggi
Pola asuh otoriter
Variabel Kematangan emosi Pola asuh otoriter
Analisis Korelasi
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