
This study aimed to (1) describe students' creative thinking skills during the learning process by using PBL model, (2) find out the improvement of students' creative thinking skills after using the PBL model, and (3) describe student learning independence during the learning process by using PBL model. This study uses mixed method research with concurrent embedded strategy. The sample was selected by random sampling, namely students of class VIII-3, which were consisted of 28 students from all eighth grade of SMP Negeri 16 Banda Aceh. The instruments in this study were daily description test, observation and questionnaire. These instruments were used to obtain data of the improvement of students' creative thinking abilities after using the PBL model were pre-test and post-test, and also the instruments which were used to describe student learning independence during the learning process by using PBL model. The result of data analysis in the daily description test and observation used the assessment rubric of creative thinking skills with qualitative descriptive method. Pre-test and post-test results were analyzed by statistical test using SPSS version 22 software for Windows, and the results of the learning independence questionnaires were analyzed by using a Likert scale and percentage. The result of the study showed that students are creative in solving problems related to the comparison during the PBL model in learning process. Thus, there was an improvement in students' creative thinking skills after using PBL learning model. The result of this study also showed that students have learning independence during the PBL model in learning process.
 Keywords: Problem Based Learning Model (PBL), Creative Thinking Ability, Learning Independence.

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