
AbstractThe community in Bengkarek Village consists of various ethnicities, including those whohave had a history of conflict, namely Dayak and Madurese. As a heterogeneouscommunity group, peace can also be created in this society, although their lifestyle is stillthick with their respective cultural identities, this does not reduce the totality of behavioras a large group that has the same desire for peace. This study uses an ethnographicmethod, examining the phenomenon of peace in the Bengkarek Village community. Theresults of this study are a form of negative and positive peace that moves continuously insociety, prevention and management of conflict and violence is successfully carried outby the community through the role of structural community leaders as well as communityleaders and all residents of Bengkarek Village through a cultural approach (kultutal).These two forms of the peace movement are still in a sustainable phase, especiallypositive peace building in creating a better quality of life from various aspects, suchdevelopment processes still have obstacles so that they are relatively slow.Keywords: Negative and positive peace, Bengkarek Village Community

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